Category: Wills & Estates

I have been appointed under a Power of Attorney; what are the rules?

I have been appointed under a Power of Attorney; what are the rules? chalkboard-with-text-saying-know-the-rules

The Powers of Attorney Act was amended in April of 2022, introducing new rules for Attorneys to follow when they begin to act on behalf of someone. Almost two years later, many Attorneys are still not aware of the new rules. This article outlines the new obligations under the Act. Older Power of Attorney documents […]

Do grandparents have “rights” in Nova Scotia?

Changes to legislation in the past few years have prompted some people to ask questions about whether grandparents now have “rights” in Nova Scotia in relation to their grandchildren. While amendments have made it easier for grandparents to apply for custody or access, they did not create any “rights” or presumptions for grandparents. Changes to […]

The Path to Preparing a Will

People are hesitant to prepare their Will for a variety of reasons. Most feel that the process is stressful and unnecessary. The reality is that the majority of people who take the time to prepare their Will feel a great sense of relief and contentment after the process is complete. In terms of being necessary….well, […]

Why you’re not too young to get a Power of Attorney

Many people are hesitant to acquire a Power of Attorney when they are young and that is understandable since many don’t envision that such a document would be needed at early stages of life. The problem with that thinking is that if you do not acquire it early enough, depending on the circumstances, you may […]