Category: Family

Do grandparents have “rights” in Nova Scotia?

Changes to legislation in the past few years have prompted some people to ask questions about whether grandparents now have “rights” in Nova Scotia in relation to their grandchildren. While amendments have made it easier for grandparents to apply for custody or access, they did not create any “rights” or presumptions for grandparents. Changes to […]

Helpful Resources for Children Impacted by Parental Separation and Divorce

Separation and divorce can be emotionally draining on the two adults directly involved. For those who are also parents, the experience can be especially overwhelming as they see the impact on their children. Parents,  when going through their own emotional turmoil, may not know how to address these complicated life issues with their children or […]

To Tweet or not to Tweet – Social Media & Your Divorce

In the past five years I have noticed a significant increase in the amount of evidence collected from social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. This information is being used by and against litigants in the settlement negotiation process and at trial. In today’s culture, these and other social media and professional networking […]

You Say Joint, I Say Shared: Sorting out the Different Types of Custody

There is a lot confusion regarding custody and access of the children when parents separate. The most important thing to remember is that from the court’s perspective there is no such thing as parental rights. Everything is viewed from the best interests of the child/children. It is very important to remember this wording in court […]

Should We Get Married? Common-Law vs. Marriage

Many people assume that as it is 2016 the rights and obligations associated with marriage are extended to those in common-law relationships. While to a certain extent this is true, it is more complicated than one might expect and it is important that people understand the differences before entering into a relationship. The leading authority […]