
Are there flowers in Nova Scotia that are illegal to pick?

Are there flowers in Nova Scotia that are illegal to pick? Surprisingly the answer is yes! Most of us know of “Lady Slippers” – they are a variety of wild orchid that grows in Nova Scotia. These flowers are renowned for their beauty, which is what prompts many people to pick them. Unfortunately, Lady Slippers have some […]

Do grandparents have “rights” in Nova Scotia?

Changes to legislation in the past few years have prompted some people to ask questions about whether grandparents now have “rights” in Nova Scotia in relation to their grandchildren. While amendments have made it easier for grandparents to apply for custody or access, they did not create any “rights” or presumptions for grandparents. Changes to […]

What is Really Up There? Why you should care about “The Cloud”

Today most of us use technology in our everyday lives without a basic understanding of how it works (myself included!). A good example of this is the increasing use of cloud storage. The premise of the cloud is that data can be accessed from anywhere via the internet, metaphorically stored in a “cloud” that hovers […]

Holiday Event Planning for Businesses: Do you need a special permit to serve alcohol?

Is your company thinking about hosting a holiday event to recognize your wonderful clients? Or maybe you are a non-profit organization planning a festive community fundraising event. Are you considering serving alcohol but wondering what rules apply? Who do you even contact to ask? If your organization is located in Nova Scotia, contact the Alcohol, […]

What are Emergency Protection Orders?

An Emergency Protection Order is a temporary court order made by a Justice of the Peace to help protect victims of family violence, when the situation is serious and urgent. Such orders are made under the Nova Scotia Domestic Violence Intervention Act. A person applying for an Emergency Protection Order (EPO) in Nova Scotia can make the application by […]

Don’t be a Spammer!

Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL) came into effect on July 1, 2014. It is intended to protect Canadians while ensuring that businesses can continue to compete in the global marketplace. If you use electronic channels to promote or market your products or services, you need to understand and comply with the law. Under the law, in […]

To Tweet or not to Tweet – Social Media & Your Divorce

In the past five years I have noticed a significant increase in the amount of evidence collected from social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. This information is being used by and against litigants in the settlement negotiation process and at trial. In today’s culture, these and other social media and professional networking […]