Corporate &

Our corporate and commercial legal services team, offers guidance on contracts, mergers, acquisitions, compliance, intellectual property, and more. Trust us for efficient and effective legal solutions.

Our Corporate & Commercial Services

Buying & Selling Businesses

We precisely navigate complex legal landscapes, offering legal advice and meticulous attention to detail in crafting Agreements of Purchase and Sale that safeguard our clients' rights and optimize their business objectives. With extensive experience in corporate transactions, our team of skilled lawyers is here to assist each step of the way during share purchases and asset acquisitions.


Whether you intend to incorporate provincially or a federally, our experienced team ensures a seamless process tailored to meet your specific requirements. We also offer guidance in facilitating extra-provincial registrations and continuance of operation, enabling businesses to expand their reach while maintaining compliance with relevant legal requirements.

Contracts Drafting & Review

With a keen understanding of contract law, our firm provides tailored solutions for businesses seeking to establish strong contractual relationships. Whether it's drafting supplier contracts, distribution contracts, or comprehensive employment agreements, we prioritize our client's objectives, offering strategic guidance and meticulous attention to detail to safeguard their interests and foster mutually beneficial business relationships.


Whether it's setting up a family trust to preserve wealth and provide for future generations, establishing a business trust for efficient asset management and governance, or creating an alter ego trust for estate planning purposes, our experienced team provides personalized guidance and meticulous attention to detail to ensure the legal and financial integrity of these trusts, helping clients achieve their long-term goals.

Corporate Services

We offer corporate services, including commercial lease review to ensure favourable terms to protect our client's interests, as well as experience in corporate reorganization and restructuring to optimize business operations and enhance efficiency. Additionally, we assist clients in drafting and reviewing partnership agreements, providing tailored legal guidance to establish clear rights and obligations. We can also assist with the dissolution and winding up of companies, navigating the legal complexities to ensure a smooth and compliant process in closing business operations.

Our Corporate & Commercial Team

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